Van Calster, Niebeor and Vergouwe et al., 2016.

A calibration hierarchy for risk models was defined: from utopia to empirical data


Anton Öberg Sysojev


June 3, 2024

At a glance
Paper by STRATOS initiative-involved researchers, defines a hierarchy of calibration - from weak to strong - and illustrates them with simulations and examples.
Related articles
Van Calster, McLernon and Van Smeden et al. (2019) PubMed kepipedia; Kull, Filho and Flach (2017) GitHub.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2015.12.005


  • Having a well-calibrated model (i.e., a model that provides accurate probabilities of risk) is an often overlooked aspect of prediction modeling.
  • Nevertheless, it is rarely emphasized in practice, rarely investigated, and rarely elaborated upon.
  • In this paper, the authors streamline definitions, as well as the numerical assessment of, levels of calibration.

A hierarchy of risk calibration

Mean calibration

  • The first level concerns mean calibration, or ‘calibration-in-the-large’, which simply compares the average predicted risk with the observed event rate.
  • While simple, it is insufficient as the sole criterion.

Weak calibration

  • The second level concerns weak calibration, which is indicative of there being no overfitting or underfitting, nor any systematic over- or underestimation of predicted risks.
  • It can be assessed by computing the calibration intercept and the calibration slope, where the former should be close to zero, the latter close to one.
  • More specifically, the calibration intercept is, for a binary outcome vector Y and predicted risk estimates P, obtained by a logistic regression Y ~ I(P) where I(P) indicates the use of an offset.
  • Similarly, the calibration slope is then obtained by a logistic regression Y ~ P.
  • Note that this is still assessing calibration in an aggregate level, and weak calibration also suffers from generally being achieved if standard estimation methods are used.

Moderate calibration

  • Common notion of calibration: achieved if, among those with the same predicted risk, the observed event rate equals the predicted risk.
  • If we again suppose a binary outcome vector Y and predicted risk estimates P, then we can assess this by fitting (and subsequently plotting) Y ~ f(P), where f is a smoothing function (loess/spline).
  • One may also bin the estimated risk predictions (e.g., splitting [0, 1] into pieces of ten, each estimated risk prediction belonging to one bin), and assess moderate calibration in each bin.

Strong calibration

  • For strong calibration, we require predicted risk to match observed event rates for each and every covariate pattern.
  • The authors note that this is generally infeasible in any realistic setting, and therefore mention it as a utopic goal to aim for.


  • While strong calibration is the optimal goal, moderate calibration is the realistic goal which we ought to achieve in our model development.
  • As final recommendations they suggest graphically assessing models for moderate calibration, and providing the summary statistics for weak calibration.
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