Van Calster, McLeronon and Van Smeden et al., 2019.

Calibration: the Achilles heel of predictive analytics


Anton Öberg Sysojev


June 3, 2024

At a glance
STRATOS initiative paper, arguing for the relevance and importance of calibration, as a complement to discrimination, in prediction modeling.
Related articles
Van Calster, Niebor and Vergouwe et al. (2016) on PubMed or kepipedia; Kull, Filho and Flach (2017) GitHub.
DOI: 10.1186/s12916-019-1466-7


  • Authors argue that, while important, good discrimination is not the sole factor in the quality of a prediction model.
  • They note that a ‘worse’ model with respect to discrimination (e.g. AUC) may still be preferable if it is providing accurate risk predictions.

Why does poor calibration occur?

  • Firstly, poorly matching external validation sets may lead to issues in translating risk predictions, with the symptom of poor calibration.
  • In a healthcare context, this may be exemplified by differences in practice between clinics, regions or countries: ‘The predictors in the algorithm may explain a part of the heterogeneity, but often differences between predictors will not explain all differences between settings’.
  • Secondly, overfitting is another common cause, noticeable already in internal validation.
  • This may occur by forcing too many predictors into a model, or by relying on extremely flexible models such as neural networks, or decision trees.

How can it be measured?

  • A hierarchical set of criteria are suggested, as delineated in detail in a previous publication from the authors Van Calster, Niebor and Vergouwe et al., 2016.

  • Mean or ‘calibration-in-the-large’ is achieved when the mean predicted risk matches the overall event rate, with too low indicating an underfit model, too high indicating an overfit model.

  • Weak calibration is achieved if, on average, no over- or underestimation of risk occurs while also not giving too extreme risk predictions.

  • Moderate calibration is achieved if estimated risk predictions accurately match observed proportions, in large (in contrast to mean calibration which is on average).

  • Strong calibration is the optimal goal, and it is achieved when the predicted risk matches the observed proportion ‘for every possible combination of predictor values’.

  • A pedagogical example of the computation of the above is provided in the Supplementary Material of the paper, and is worth checking out for those interested in implementing these in practice.

How can poor calibration be mitigated?

  • The authors mention shrinkage strategies to avoid overfitting occurring when the model is too complex for the data (e.g., using ridge or lasso).

  • They also mention ‘updating’, exemplified by the updating of regression model coefficients through adding calibration intercept and scaling coefficients by the calibration slope.

  • In practice, I found both approaches poor in improving calibrations: neither may be possible within a machine learning context, and their effect on calibration may be minor.

  • Instead, I would also like to mention Platt Scaling, Isotonic Regression and Beta Calibration, which can be read about in Kull, Filho and Flach (2017).

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  • Text!
  • And what should go here?
  • Anything here?
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  • Text!